- Corporate Information
- Management Philosophy
We aim at being a company who creates a new value to contribute to the society by permanence of improvement at highest level in 3S; Customer Satisfaction (CS), Investor Satisfaction (IS), and Employee Satisfaction (ES).
1. Comply with laws, ordinances, and social norms
In the spirit of corporate compliance, we comply with all laws, ordinances, and social norms. We never allow ourselves to become involved with antisocial groups.
2. Proper, accurate and prompt disclosure of information
We take steps to disclose accurate information to all stakeholders at the proper time and through a faithful manner.
3. Customer Satisfaction
We respond to issues raised by our customer promptly in a faithful manner and endeavor to provide high grade and high-quality products.
4. Fair Trade and Free Competition
We comply with anti-trust laws and conduct fair competition. We maintain fair and transparent relationships and positions with respect to public policy and politics.
5. Consideration to environment
Acquiring importance of the environment, we strive to actively engage in environmental issues by utilizing finite resources and conserving energy effectively.
6. Contribution to Society
We expand our exchanges with the local community as a good corporate citizen to actively contribute to society.
7. Respect others
We create a safe and friendly workplace environment where everyone respects one another, succeeds to grow by achieving his/her own goal.
8. Cultivate a harmonious Workplace
We create the workplace filled with truly fare climate that maximizes the individual’s performance through teamwork effort without fear of isolation or alienation.
9. Contribution to the Countries Where We Operate
We respect the culture and customs of each country we conduct our business and contribute to the economic and social growth by conducting proactive employment, training and promotion.